Saturday, July 20, 2024

Be Bold And Take the Leap!

BE BOLD AND TAKE THE LEAP whenever you stand at the dawn of a change. It is the only way to meet the ultimate you. The you that you dream of becoming and can become if you only trust and allow yourself to flow gently through the process.
You are perfect just the way you are. Hence, your biggest mission is to take care of that perfection by constantly allowing yourself to leap out of your comfort zone and allow the update.

Virabhadrasana ll or Warrior ll pose reminds you exactly that - the power of the leap and standing in the eye of the change, celebrating, trusting, respecting and being aware of the future on your one hand and the past on the other hand.

It’s a power pose.
So be the power of your life! Fill the blank with courage! Take the leap!
There’s nobody else who could do it better for you than you yourself.


May peace be with you.
Take care.


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