Sunday, August 25, 2024

Dare To Write Your Story So You Love It Yourself!


In Japanese, there is a term called Oubaitori that reminds one to not compare themselves to others. We each have a completely unique path. We have different goals with our lives while we live in different timelines. That makes our lives incomparable.

Dare to be bold and not compare yourself to those who have what you dream of, because in reality you don't really know what they have and if you would really like it, if it fell on your lap about this time tomorrow. Another thing, dare to be kind to yourself as the storyteller you are!

You are the storyteller of your own story. It is you who designs your story by telling it to you first. It is your story, so you decide. It is you who decides how it was, it is you who attaches every single meaning to every single situation that took place in your past. If you don't like the story, for God's sake, change it! Change it now! Don't pity party! Just change it! If something feels heavy and makes you unhappy, it is definitely not a true story, but somebody's point-of-view that you bought and still believe, even though it do not match with you. And since it don't, just let it fall, give it up and make yourself a new story. Shift the element, so that your story will make more sense to you. Be courageous and dare to look at your story from some new perspectives. Look at through the eyes of those who empower and inspire you, if you can't find a good perspective yourself. Change peak points and instead of focusing on gremlins, gather your focus on what has gone right. Tell your story that makes you feel like a radiant, powerful, wise and courageous traveler you are and nothing less. 

If you don't feel powerful, then it is because somewhere on the way you decided to give your power away by not honouring it or being afraid of having it.

If you don't feel beautiful, then it is because somewhere on the way you decided to give your beauty away by being afraid or worried, feeling ashamed or guilty. 

If you don't feel brilliant, then it is because somewhere on the way you decided to give your brilliance away by taking less space. 

But you are not here to be less, but to inspire, express and shine. It is time to take that power back and be honest and sincere, just as you expect from others. When you dare to be your everything apologetically, then you don't feel the need to criticize other for it either.  
You are like a mandala - one of a kind... 
Let us enjoy the beauty, magic and inspiration you bring to the world. 

The world is waiting to hear from you.
Sing louder, dance with greater swings, paint with wilder strokes, write with bolder words...


May peace be with you.

♡ Hele

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