Wednesday, June 12, 2024

5 Things You Can Do Within A Week To Change Your Life Gently

How to make a change in your life and energy without starting from a huge step like moving to the other side of the world? Is there any easier ways to shake up the flow that has lost its momentum? Something that would make feel truly inspired and spunky again?

Here are some suggestions that have helped me:

1. Start waking up earlier
Add one hour to your day by waking up earlier. (It makes it much easier to go to bed earlier, as in that way you won't lose your precious sleep.) Waking up before the rest of the world gives you one golden hour that is entirely yours. Use it for self-care - do yoga, exercise, journal, listen to an inspiring podcast/audiobook, enjoy the silence, take a walk, draw, paint, write a poem, meditate etc. By starting your day with me-time, you start with a positive vibe. This good will back you up the rest of the day and help you to make most of it.

2. Declutter your wardrobe
Choose the clothes that make you smile and lose the rest. Another point, when it comes to clothes: make sure you don't drag the past along with you! Allow the clothes that don't match with your vibe any longer move on to those who would be thrilled to wear them. Updating your closet every once in a while makes sure that you don't keep things that don't really make you happy, but only keep you stuck living in your yesterday.

3. Write down your life goals
Just do it! Do it with joy and allow yourself to bathe in the good feeling of having already achieved your dreams. Dream it! Feel it! Visualize it! Make your goals yours by living them within again and again. Enjoy them already in your head. It will make them to manifest faster. It is also a great way to train your brain with the success, so that it won't secretly sabotage you, because it is too afraid of achieving all these nice thing all of a sudden. 

4. Meditate
Meditation means "to become familiar with". As you start meditating, you will become familiar with the world within you - the feelings and emotions within you, your dreams and goals, your fears and insecurities, your strengths and talents and so much more. Meditation will be like a blank canvas that helps you to connect with everything you are and you dream of. Even though meditation is a great tool for manifesting your dreams and goals, it is first and foremost a tool for you to get to know you. All you need to do is to bring your focus to the centre of you and then be there and simply observe. As emotions and pictures arise from your subconscious, just let them appear. You don't have to do anything about it. Simply be there, observe and get to know your inner world. It is going to be an exciting journey that will remove from you the layers that are covering your true colours. These very layers hold back your true creativity, beauty and power. Bon voyage!

5. Forgive
The best way to create new opportunities and joy is to forgive yourself and those who have triggered you emotionally. Holding a grudge makes you heavy and keeps you stuck in the past. There are different way to practice forgiveness - Ho'oponopono, The Ice Exercise from my book The Rainbow Book, writing a letter and burning it, to name a few... Find the way that works for you and let go. The only way to moves on is to let go of the old hurt and grudges that make you heavy and become a lighter and more peaceful version of you.

Be awesome & remember to love you tenderly every day!


May peace be with you.

♡ Hele

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