Saturday, January 4, 2025

Happy 2025!

It is that time of the year when we like to dream  that everything will turn out so much better this upcoming year, because we ourselves will be so much more this year. This is the time of the year when we dive into our dreams and perhaps even write lists and depending on where we are, we will focus a lot on whether what we wish to accomplish or what we wish to avoid. Either way, this tend to be the time of the year when we create ourselves an overambitious plan about what we want to become and achieve by the end of it that over time might be too hard to handle.

This year I would like to suggest an other approach. What if we this time would give up chasing for one year and see what happens? What if we would focus on getting clear about what are the things that REALLY mean something for us and then pick them out and leave the rest? What if we would dedicate this year for the best of the best in ourselves and in others and for the things we love most? What if we would this year really take time to savour, celebrate and honour everything that inspires us? May it be the year of learning to choose the best – the very thing and/or way that calls us! May it be the year when we learn to be happy about who we are and what we have and when we dare to let go of the rest. It might be hard to ignore what bothers us  at first and instead keep our eyes on what inspires, but like everything in life, this too shall pass.

Therefore, for those who dare to choose it, may 2025 be the year of

ü  gratitude journaling 

ü  reading the books that heal and inspire

ü  singing

ü  drawing

ü  writing morning pages 

ü  empowering affirmations

ü  vision board

ü  creativity

ü  the acts of Self-love

ü  listening to your most loved song all over again and finding new favourites

ü  paying it forward, spreading kindness

ü  choosing alone time

ü  dancing

ü  walking barefoot

ü  trusting the gut-feeling

ü  choosing what inspires you


May it be the year that teaches you to appreciate and respect everything you are and have already.

May it the year when you learn to see your own divinity, your own perfection and your own awesomeness, so that you can be kind enough to allow others to experience it even more.

May it be the year where you don’t try to achieve flourishment, but instead learn to honour your own blooming that is taking place already, no matter whether you are willing to acknowledge it or not.

May it be the year of allowance, appreciation and awesomeness!

Happy 2025 to you and me and everyone around us!


May peace be with you.

♡  Hele